Eric Bosire
Eric has 20 years of experience working with and managing programmes and projects in the development sector and has worked with SNV, Usaid and FAO. He is proficient in business and market systems development, project management, organizational development (OD/ID), pro-poor approaches, natural resource management, support to SMEs, resource mobilization and…...
George Mazuri Yaa
George is the team leader at USTADI. He has over 26 Years’ experience working for organizations including Aga Khan Foundation, DANIDA, and SIDA among others. George holds an MBA and Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management, a Diploma in Education. He has various certificates on Value Chain Analysis and Facilitation, Agribusiness…...
Lilian Mabonga
Lilian is a project management professional with 10 years’ experience in projects and strategic management and business development services. She holds a Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation, MBA-Strategic Management, Post graduate diploma in Project management, BBA- Marketing, and Project Management Professional (PMP). Key responsibilities include: Provide general oversight…...
Elizabeth Musa
Elizabeth holds an MA in Project planning and Management and BA in International Relations with over 6 years’ experience providing technical, logistics and project management support. She is responsible for: Compliance and standards Manage travel logistics for field activities Effectively monitor contract performance to determine any needs for changes to…...