The USTADI strategy revolves around three pillars that are complementary to each other as outlined below.

1. CDS (Skills) Market facilitation Pillar

This is a platform for creating linkages, brokering and networking among actors. USTADI empowers rural entrepreneurs (mostly youth and women) including CSOs by connecting them with professional (CD) service providers in a targeted and demand driven market environment for prosperity hence the slogan “Empower – Connect – Prosper”. This is complemented by an online platform


2 CDS Financing Mechanism Pillar

This pillar facilitates re-orientation of existing financing streams as well as developing sustainable financing mechanisms to support CDS. USTADI stimulates and supports the use of professional skills (CD), by rural entrepreneurs by cost- sharing the initial cost of professional CD services required.

3. National Learning and Advocacy Pillar

This is a learning platform for consolidation of evidence, quality enhancement and policy dialogue on CDS. USTADI support SPs to provide quality services by working with relevant institutions that facilitate standards setting and accreditation. In addition USTADI arranges for knowledge sharing events based on generated evidence.

4. PrexKenya

PREX Kenya is an online tendering and procurement portal where professional service providers and users interact to find opportunities, initiate and establish business relationships. The portal is designed for businesses, collaborators and other international, national and local development actors to access information and services for policy, economic, social, technical, institutional, environment and gender development. The portal seeks to promote targeted business interactions between players in different sectors..